Pastured poultry from Chicken Grit Farms
We are offering items from Chicken Grit Farms as add-ons for our CSA members. Please be sure to get your order in by the Tuesday before your CSA pickup.
Chicken Grit Farms is a regenerative, pastured, small-flock poultry farm and peach orchard in Palisade, CO. Our non-GMO Rainbow Ranger chickens are closer to the heritage breed of meat birds than what you would buy from the store. This broiler puts on weight slowly and in a healthy manner and is built for foraging. We intentionally graze these meat birds in Joel Salatin-style tractors using the adaptive multi-paddocked grazing method, giving the birds access to new roughage every day, and providing the soil nitrogen to build a resilient conservation crop for the next planting of peach trees.
Choose from whole birds or half birds and inquire with Julia at 720-335-3436 for gizzards, talons, carcasses.
We are offering items from Chicken Grit Farms as add-ons for our CSA members. Please be sure to get your order in by the Tuesday before your CSA pickup.
Chicken Grit Farms is a regenerative, pastured, small-flock poultry farm and peach orchard in Palisade, CO. Our non-GMO Rainbow Ranger chickens are closer to the heritage breed of meat birds than what you would buy from the store. This broiler puts on weight slowly and in a healthy manner and is built for foraging. We intentionally graze these meat birds in Joel Salatin-style tractors using the adaptive multi-paddocked grazing method, giving the birds access to new roughage every day, and providing the soil nitrogen to build a resilient conservation crop for the next planting of peach trees.
Choose from whole birds or half birds and inquire with Julia at 720-335-3436 for gizzards, talons, carcasses.
We are offering items from Chicken Grit Farms as add-ons for our CSA members. Please be sure to get your order in by the Tuesday before your CSA pickup.
Chicken Grit Farms is a regenerative, pastured, small-flock poultry farm and peach orchard in Palisade, CO. Our non-GMO Rainbow Ranger chickens are closer to the heritage breed of meat birds than what you would buy from the store. This broiler puts on weight slowly and in a healthy manner and is built for foraging. We intentionally graze these meat birds in Joel Salatin-style tractors using the adaptive multi-paddocked grazing method, giving the birds access to new roughage every day, and providing the soil nitrogen to build a resilient conservation crop for the next planting of peach trees.
Choose from whole birds or half birds and inquire with Julia at 720-335-3436 for gizzards, talons, carcasses.